Tokenized ETH staking pool to maximize returns for stakers

A tokenized ETH staking pool designed to provide the highest possible returns to stakers The purpose of the NodeDAO staking pool is to give ETH holders the opportunity to maximize staking returns by participating in the Ethereum 2.0 consensus process and allow them to use their stake to harvest additional returns in various DeFi protocols with the help of the NodeDAO token nETH.


The DeFi world is constantly evolving, providing exciting opportunities to maximize returns on your cryptocurrency holdings.

NodeDAO's nETH, a liquidity staking token based on Ethereum POS consensus. nETH enables you to earn additional rewards through your staked ETH while contributing to the security of the Ethereum network and other networks.

Introduction to the staking pool

The liquidity staking pool takes your DeFi experience to the next level. By leveraging the smooth exchange mechanism between nETH and ETH, giving nETH liquidity value, allowing users to obtain more benefits through the Defi scenarios that NodeDAO is looking for for users.

How does it work?

  1. Stake your ETH into NodeDAO's staking pool and get nETH in return.

  2. NodeDAO is responsible for staking ETH in the staking pool as a validator, obtaining native POS staking income, and distributing income to users through the growth of nETH's exchange rate.

Benefits of nETH

  • The power of compound interest: Increase your rewards in a compounded manner by earning interest from your initial stake and re-staking pool rewards.

  • Flexibility: Keep control of your staked ETH. You can easily withdraw your ETH tokens from the re-staking pool at any time.


Don't let your staked ETH sit idle. Get more benefits on top of Ethereum POS rewards.

Last updated