Unstake and Exchange FIL
Withdraw / Harvest your income
Click on the 'Harvest' Button to withdraw / "harvest" your FIL tokens
Release the Pledge
Step 1: Under the 'Unstake' tab, enter the amount of nFIL to withdraw and click on the 'Withdraw' button.
Step 2: Exchange nFIL for FIL
There are 2 methods to exchange nFIL for FIL
Method 1: Exchange nFIL for FIL by the Swap Feature
Method 2: Redeem FIL from nFIL from our platform (coming soon)
Upon clicking on the 'Swap' icon you will be redirected to the swap page shown below.
You may select your slippage tolerance and transaction dateline from the gear icon and you may switch swap positions from the arrow icon highlighted in the image.
Finally, you may proceed to exchange and confirm your nFIL for FIL swap.
Last updated