NodeDAO Staking Pool

Tokenized ETH staking pool to maximize rewards for stakers

A tokenized ETH staking pool aiming to provide stakers with the highest possible rewards The purpose of the NodeDAO Staking Pool is to give ETH holders the opportunity to earn maximum staking rewards through participating in the Ethereum 2.0 consensus process, and to allow them to use their stake in various DeFi protocols with the aid of NodeDAO tokens, nETH.


The NodeDAO Staking Pool is a decentralized network of validators managed by experienced node operators on behalf of stakers, who deposit ETH into the pool. Each time a group of stakers deposit 32 ETH, a new validator is added to the NodeDAO Staking Pool to earn rewards. The rewards and penalties generated by the pool are divided among stakers proportionally based on their share of the pool. The ETH deposit balance and rewards are reflected in nETH (staking ETH) tokens, which are minted to stakers at the ratio proportion to the staked ETH and the total ETH pooled.

Rewards Allocation

The pie chart illustrates the distribution of profits in each individual operator's staking pool, with stakers receiving the majority share of 90%, while operators receive 7% of the profits. The remaining 3% is set aside for the NodeDAO Vault contract, which will be utilized to improve the ecosystem and promote long-term growth and development. It's worth noting that the allocation of funds in the NodeDAO Vault is determined by the DAO through a voting system, ensuring community participation in ecosystem development. The NodeDAO Vault's allocation signifies a long-term commitment to the ecosystem's growth and prosperity.


The NodeDAO Staking Pool allows individuals to deposit a minimal amount of ETH and receive some amounts of nETH in return. The nETH tokens symbolize the individual's stake in the NodeDAO Pool and the rewards they have earned from participating in Ethereum 2.0 consensus. The ETH deposited is accumulated until there is enough to create a new validator in the Ethereum 2.0 network. Once enough ETH is collected, the NodeDAO platform creates a new validator entity on the Beacon Chain and adds it to its network.

amountEthStaked=msg.valueamountEthStaked = msg.value
nEthReceived=amountEthStakedtotalNEthSupply/totalEthnEthReceived = amountEthStaked * totalNEthSupply / totalEth


Currently, nETH holders will be able to sell their nETH in the open market. The price of the nETH will be determined by the demand of the stakers buying the nETH corresponding to the price and earning ratio in the open market and the operators whom may take advantage of abitrage opportunities to lower their stakes in the liquidity pool.

Post Shanghai Upgrade

NodeDAO users will be able to exchange their nETH tokens for ETH at a rate proportion to the supply of eth and neth directly within the platform. And the calculation is as follows:

EthToReceive=nEthToBurncurrentTotalEthInPool/currentTotalNethEthToReceive = nEthToBurn * currentTotalEthInPool / currentTotalNeth

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